Robot Salvaje Blu-ray
Jurado Nº 2 Blu-ray
Un Día de Furia Blu-ray
Las Brujas de Eastwick Blu-ray
avatar de BertoBCN


39 años Hombre

Se unió a mubis el 2 Diciembre 2011

sobre BertoBCN

Ediciones extranjeras que poseo:

-Seven Samurai
-The Night of the Hunter
-Chungking Express
-Days of Heaven
-In the Mood for Love
-12 Angry Men

-Touch of Evil
-The Passion of Joan of Arc (steelbook)

-Zombie Flesh Eaters (steelbook)

UK Varias:
-The Searchers (Centauros del Desierto)
-Schindler's List edición especial
-Pack Guillermo del Toro (Cronos, El Laberinto del fauno, El Espinazo del Diablo)
-Pack ataud Universal Monsters
-Trilogía Jurassic Park (caja metálica)
-Senna Digibook
-The Big Lebowski Digibook
-Akira Steelbook
-Forrest Gump
-Moonrise Kingdom
-The Maltese Falcon Steelbook
-Dr Zhivago Steelbook
-Gone With the Wind Steelbook
-Tinker Taylor Soldier Spy (El Topo) Steelbook
-Last Samurai Steelbook
-300 Steelbook
-Evil Dead Steelbook
-GhostBusters Steelbook
-Cadena Perpetua Steelbook
-Willow Steelbook

USA Varias:
-Finding Nemo
-Citizen Kane 70th anniversary edition
-The Goonies 25th anniversary collector's edition
-Close encounters of the third kind 30th anniversary
-Rome: the complete series (Las 2 temporadas)
-Blade Runner 30th anniversary collector's edition Digibook
-Matrix Digibook
-The Green Mile Digibook
-Prometheus 3D
-Sunset Boulevard (con extras)

Alemanas varias:
-Night of the Living Dead Digibook
-Kill Bill 1 y 2 Steelbook

Francesas Varias:
-Evil Dead 2 Edicion 25 aniversario
-Oblivion Steelbook
-Le Guepard (El Gatopardo) Digibook
-The Tree of Life Digibook
-Intouchables Coffret Collector Blu Ray+DVD+BSO
-Terminator Steelbook
-Inglorious Basterds Steelbook
-The Dictator Steelbook

Italianas varias:
-Il Pianista Studio Canal Collection
-Singing in the Rain Digibook
-A Streetcar Named Desire Digibook
-What ever happened to baby Jane Digibook

Ediciones musicales no listadas en mubis:
-Adele Live at Royal Albert Hall
-Foo Fighters Live at Wembley Stadium

Ediciones extranjeras que quiero:
-The Great Gatsby Steelbook UK
-The Frighteners Steelbook UK
-La Notte (The Night) Eureka UK
-Nosferatu Steelbook (Eureka) UK
-The Apartment USA
-Ed Wood USA
-Cabaret Digibook USA
-Driving Miss Daisy Digibook USA
-Paths of Glory (Criterion Collection) USA
-Bicycle Thieves DVD (Criterion Collection) USA
-Badlands (Criterion Collection) USA
-Down By Law (Criterion Collection) USA
-To Be or Not To Be (Criterion Collection) USA

actividad reciente de BertoBCN